The circus has come to town, and the sideshow was about everything one expected, and then some.
Going into Donald Trump's first press conference, it certainly had the potential to be explosive, given the president-elect's contentious-at-best relationship with the media. Then, CNN supplied a lit match and BuzzFeed provided a whole damn tanker of gasoline, in the form of a report on a dossier with some potentially damning allegations about Trump, and the alleged dossier itself, respectively. It's been all over the news the last 36 hours or so, and depending on your point of view, it either confirms everything you believed about the media, or everything you believed about Trump. A few takeaways from the whole thing:
-Good to see BuzzFeed taking time out from endless "You might be a 90's kid if you remember..." lists to do some shoddy journalism instead. "We can't verify this at all, but screw it, we're gonna run it anyway!" Isn't that, like, the exact same thing we slam the fake news sites of the world for? They clearly want this to be true so damn badly they didn't do their homework before posting. Not to mention, it's probably not a good idea to throw out unverified info against the most litigious guy to hold the office. Hell, other "news" websites have been sued out of existence for less!
-As for CNN being singled out for reporting that Obama and Trump were briefed on this thing, a story that has been picked up by major news organizations of every political leaning, and that appears to be true despite the president-elect's denials and raving about "fake news"... well, so far, they've been proven right. Trump and Obama were indeed briefed; Joe Biden confirmed as much to the AP. The FBI has known about it for months. (Though, go figure: James Comey had no problem going to the press and talking about Clinton's emails during that investigation, but this didn't come out until well after the election.) The Director of National Intelligence also confirmed the report. And the operative that created the dossier has since been outed. Note that even Fox News, of all outlets, is defending the CNN report.
-And just to be clear: The CNN report didn't go into specific allegations listed in the Buzzfeed report, despite the Trump team's best efforts to confuse and conflate the two. And make no mistake, that's exactly what they're trying to do. It's standard operating procedure for the Trump team, really; blur the line between real and "fake" news. And thus far, it's clearly worked; it's hard to see any other candidate having these kinds of legitimate allegations tied to them and still winning an election.
-Naturally, that didn't stop plenty of right-wing folk from getting overwhelmed with glee at Trump dressing down that CNN reporter and threatening to kick him out. Good to know that this is how the leader of the free world is going to deal with any reporter that runs a story he doesn't like. And no doubt his supporters will eat it up. This still does not bode well for anybody interested in the president being held accountable for what he does going forward, and makes it that much harder for the free press to do their job.
-As far as whether there's anything to the actual contents of said dossier... that's hard to say. I'm skeptical, particularly of the more salacious bits, but at this point I'm not sure I'd be surprised either way. Clearly the intelligence community isn't dismissing it entirely, nor taking it completely at face value. Note that Trump's not even denying at this point that his campaign ever had contacts with the Russian government. And Trump isn't doing himself any favors by blasting his own intelligence agencies over both this leak and the information they've attempted to present him, and that could present some problems for him down the road, whether it's defection from said agencies because they're tired of being made his scapegoats, or the possibility of more damaging leaks from within, or even the possibility that Trump hurts his own credibility down the line when he wants to act on the intelligence provided to him after repeatedly attempting to discredit the people that supplied him with said intelligence.
-What's getting a bit buried in all this, though: the entirely laughable way in which the issue of his many business conflicts of interest are being addressed by... not really being addressed. Sure, his kids are going to keep running the company, he will still hold stock in it, and there are plenty of ways in which he can benefit himself financially through his policies, both foreign and domestic. But you can totally trust him, because reasons. Of course, that doesn't drive the ratings or get the clicks like those other stories do, so it gets lost in the shuffle.
And that might be the most worrisome part of all this. There's obviously already plenty of people that won't believe anything that doesn't come from a source that confirms their bias, and a good chunk of people that will take Trump at his word no matter what. I've written at length here about this election being the one where the American people finally decided that facts no longer matter, and this whole incident is reinforcing that like no other. And despite them being not so much a "news" outlet as much as a purveyor of nostalgia-based listicles, BuzzFeed having run with a story of such questionable veracity is only going to serve to make people more skeptical of the media's credibility should another potential scandal arise.
Which is truly the greatest gift they could have given the president-elect.
best fake new apologist artical ive read all day
ReplyDeleteAnd yet, you took the time to read it. Well, maybe you didn't actually read it if that's the conclusion you took from it. Also, it's "article."
DeleteThanks for playing!