So, once again, Todd Courser has allegedly sent out a survey to gauge to opinion of his former constituents, and it's an interesting poll to say the least. Now, I've heard of political types sending out surveys that are designed to subconsciously favor certain answers and a certain political viewpoint. But this... this is more badly-written campaign ad than badly-written survey.
(Editor's note: This survey was first brought to my attention by Laura Cline, wife of ex-Courser staffer Joshua Cline. While I can understand the skepticism from some corners, this survey is so identical in tone and phrasing to Courser's own typical rambling, it's hard to imagine it coming from anyone other than the man himself.)

Big shocker: when all else fails, Todd attacks everyone he's running against. I'm not at all a fan of Jan Peabody, and refuse to support her in any election, but there is absolutely no proof to back up the second claim Courser makes about her here, nor the ones made against Gary Howell. And Davison did work for the Koch-backed Americans For Prosperity at one point, the same group that backed Todd last time around, so take that (and Courser's attacks on Jud Gilbert, another former Davison employer who is ten times the public servant Courser could ever hope to be) how you will. (Also: note that Rick Guererro is the one candidate he has nothing negative to say about.)
While it's not surprising that Courser can't imagine that anybody could possibly not be as militantly anti-abortion, nor that anyone wouldn't want as many people to have guns as possible regardless of mental or criminal history, it's worth noting that several of the things he has proposed are already illegal. And let it also be noted that no, Courser has not been ruled out as a suspect, and that yes, it's going to take more than 24 hours for prosecutor Tim Turkelson to review the case and formally press charges. Apparently, justice can't move fast enough when it's convenient for Todd.
Because there are so many damn communists in Lapeer County, right? And I can't help but feel like question number 5 implies another slam at a group Courser doesn't have the slightest bit of respect for...
Another one of Courser's many logical fallacies, this one implying that a politician who works with the other party and acknowledges the opinions of those he disagrees with is somehow a negative, despite most of his constituents disagreeing with that assessment.
In recent days, Gary Howell has greatly turned me off as a potential voter, but that has nothing to do with the baseless assertions posited here. The idea that independent voters shouldn't have any say in who the candidates are in general elections is positively asinine, and as a guy who has trumpeted his support for eliminating straight-ticket voting, a rather hypocritical stance to take.
Again, GLEP has several knocks against it, but supporting common core isn't one for most actual teachers. And any proof on that abortion claim, either? Not that she'd have any legal right to deny RU486 to anyone (which would be what Todd is referring to here), but there's no proof that she ever prescribed it to anyone.
No political hit, and said "enemies" did testify. Next...
Then why did he admit to wrongdoing, then try and deny it while claiming he "never read the report?" Makes one wonder what other things he didn't read that he voted on...
Another favorite tactic of Todd's seems to be dismissing interaction with his constituents as "pancake/spaghetti dinners." Because why should the people that elected this bozo be able to engage him for any reason or get answers from him? Sorry, Todd, but communication is a two-way street.
Now, obviously I'm not exactly a conservative, but why should Courser expect any majority of support when he's publicly acknowledged that he takes zero consideration for anyone that opposes his agenda, despite there being a sizable amount of voters in town that do oppose him. And of course, there's the usual whining about the "liberal media," despite the fact that the paper that broke the news about his misdeeds, the rather conservative Detroit News, endorsed him and Gamrat in the last election. And the local paper, the County Press, endorsed two other Republicans this time around, Howell and Ian Kempf. Not exactly liberal folk. But clearly anybody to the left of Courser is a flaming liberal...
But sadly, that's not even close to all... two more surveys were sent out to try and boost public opinion, and they're every bit as absurd as this one. Further proof that Todd Courser is simply incapable of accepting responsibility for his actions, and... seriously, the man thinks he could be president?
If ever you needed concrete evidence of just how delusional this man is, here it is.
(Thanks to Laura Cline and Carson Lucas for their help in compiling all of this!)
Excellent perception and article...